T/Blues: 08/14/2012

After watching that old film, who could NOT like “Fargo”.

That said, is has a look of most medium-sized American cities: prerequisite churches, movie house, shopping malls, boutiques, etc. Fargo IS a bit unusual in having TWO railroad lines (so, if you fail to get stuck for a Burlington Northern freight train, chances are you’ll wait for a Great Northern train just up the street).


Island Park’s “cool pool”

A couple nice features: at the edge of downtown, an old WPA-built arena facade, long-ago demolished, fronts for a glorious outdoor pool complex, at the edge of long, verdant Island Park. On a hot, mid-August day, just the ticket to overcome heat fatigue.

Personally, a most vivid memory is chasing out to a shopping mall to view a Roger Maris exhibit. (They call it a museum, but, it’s not that deserving). There is a continuous video of his all-to-short life, and a collection of memorabilia. Not exactly Cooperstown, but, for any family with a child in Little League, deserving of attention.

Roger Maris Exhibit

Roger Maris Exhibit

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